Link design
- Since September 2006, in accordance with the regulation of electronic scientific publications adopted by "Informregister" and the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation, the following procedure was introduced:
- No later than 10 days after the publication of the next issue on the journal’s website, the editorial office is obliged to submit to "Informregister" a list of submission of a journal number listing all contained articles, and a CD with this journal number.
- Only after that, authors of the articles can refer to their articles in abstracts of candidate and doctoral dissertations of the article in accordance with GOST, examples of the application of which are indicated in the section: " Link Design". At the same time, the reference number of the article and the access address are indicated in the link. Without a reference number, the link is not valid.
- The editors include reference numbers in the table of contents of the journal number before each article.
In this regard, the editors plan (provided that the editors receive enough articles to compose the next issue):
- issue numbers monthly at the end of the month;
- accept articles for the next issue by the 15th day of each month, and after the 15th day for the further issue;
- post articles on the Internet not as they become available, as before, but the entire issue.
Links to articles published in our journal are designed in accordance with the following standards:
- GOST 7.1-2003 "Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description (General requirements and compilation rules)." Date of introduction 2004-07-01.
- GOST 7.82-2001 "Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description of electronic resources (General requirements and compilation rules)." Date of introduction 2002-07-01.
Bibliography (reference) design (GOST R 7.0.5 –2008)
Requirements for the design of a bibliography are in accordance with the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission and Scopus.
The list of references is submitted in Russian and in the Roman (Latin) alphabet (References in Romanscript).
References should contain at least 15 sources. It is recommended to provide links to publications in foreign periodicals.
References to textbooks, teaching aids and abstracts of dissertations are not allowed.
The age of references to Russian periodicals should not exceed 3-5 years. References to old sources should be logically based.
References to dissertations (inaccessible sources) are not recommended. Instead of references to dissertations, it is recommended to provide links to articles published as a result of dissertation work in periodicals. The Roman alphabet provides a translation of the title of the dissertation.
References to the regulatory documentation should preferably be included in the text of the article or included in footnotes.
The titles of the journals must be transliterated, and the titles of the articles translated.
In the reference to patents in the Roman alphabet the name should be transliterated and translated (in square brackets).