Editorial counsil
Dzhambulatov Z.M. - Chairman, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor (Makhachkala, Dagestan State Agrarian University)
- Ovchinnikov A.S. - Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Volgograd State Agrarian University, Volgograd)
- Borodychev V.V. - Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (All-Russian Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Land Reclamation named after A.N. Kostyakov, Volgograd)
- Prichko T.G. - Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor (North-Caucasian Federal Scientific Center for Horticulture, Viticulture and Winemaking, Krasnodar)
- Vinogradov D.V. - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor (Ryazan State Agro-Technological University named after P. A. Kostychev, Ryazan)
- Khanieva I.M. - Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor (Kabardino-Balkarian State Agrarian University named after V. M. Kokov, Nalchik)
- Batukaev A.A. - Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor (Chechen State University", Grozny)
- Kudzaev A.B. - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Gorsky State Agrarian University, Vladikavkaz)
- Omarov M.D. - Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor (All-Russian Research Institute of Floriculture and Subtropical Cultures, Sochi)
- Novak A.I. –– Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor (Ryazan State Agro-Technological University named after P. A. Kostychev, Ryazan)
- Asadulaev Z.M.– Doctor of Biological Sciences, Director (Mountain Botanical Garden of the Dagestan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala)
- Herve Hannin - Doctor of Economics, Professor (École Nationale Supérieur eAgronomique - E.N.S.A-National Higher Agricultural School Montpellier, France)
- Rustamova S.I.- Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor (Azerbaijan Veterinary Research Institute, Baku)
- Schur A.V. - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor (Belarusian-Russian University, Mogilev)