Results of 2020

Dear Readers! The journal “Dagestan GAU Proceedings” sums up the results of 2020.

We continue our cooperation with the "Scientific and Technical Center Informregistr ", " Central Collector of Libraries "BIBCOM" for the assignment of DOI.

On October 13-14 the Department of Scientific and Publishing Activities of the University organized Zoom-webinars on working with the Scopus and ScienceDirect platforms with the participation of a consultant on key information solutions of the Elsevier company M.M. Filatov.

 The vice-rector-head of the Department of Science and Innovations of the University, professor T.A. Isrigova, employees of the Department of Science and Innovations and representatives of the research and teaching staff of the university participated in the webinar.

 As the head of the department U.A. Selimova said, our university had open free access to the Scopus Elsevier and ScienceDirect databases since 2018, being a member of the corresponding program of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The topics of the webinars were determined by the scientific and innovative department.

During the webinars, Maxim Mikhailovich Filatov spoke about the basic principles of effective information search in Scopus and ScienceDirect, discussed new opportunities for working with scientific, technical and medical information, etc. Further, the specialist talked about the formation of the author's profile in Scopus, showed specific steps to correct it, add articles, edit citations, synchronize ORCID, and change affiliation.

   “These webinars help the participants to learn about the Scopus' opportunities for authors, how to use this system, how to increase their citation, how to monitor reporting, how to properly cite articles and search by authors. We hope that such training events will help the university researchers to improve their scientific, methodological capabilities and publication activity, ”said Tatiana Aleksandrovna. We have provided access to the Scopus correction wizard.

Dear readers and authors, on behalf of our friendly team - the Editorial Board of the scientific network polythematic journal “Dagestan GAU Proceedings” - please, accept our warmest sincere congratulations on the upcoming NEW YEAR 2021!

Date of publication: 30.12.2020г.